Just as each state has its own laws, cities have the authority to create their own laws in the form of “ordinances.” Gardena’s ordinances are assembled into a book known as the Gardena Municipal Code (GMC). This information is available to you on-line, including search capabilities to help you find the information you seek. This is a helpful tool if you are looking for specific city regulations related to planning, zoning, and building.
Building, Subdivision, and zoning regulations are contained in Titles 15, 17, and 18.
You may view a complete copy of the Gardena Municipal Code (GMC) with keyword search capability by clicking here.
The Gardena Municipal Code is updated routinely. Ordinances that have been approved by Council (adopted) but not yet published in the Municipal Code are listed on the City Clerk’s web page. Click here to view.
In addition, a handy fact sheet was prepared by our Community Development Department entitled Quick Reference Guide to City Regulations which is recommended for your review.