To view or print out a copy of the building permit application form, simply double click on the type of permit you are seeking. A combination permit is not available to accommodate a multiple trade construction project. For building permit fees, please click the Fee Schedule Resolution for additional information.
When some portion of the proposed work includes construction or alteration of the sidewalk, alley or public street, a permit is also required from the Engineering Division of the Public Works Department.
To assist you through the permitting process, provided below are examples of the most frequently asked questions:
The Planning Division, Permits & Licenses Division & Building Division of the Community Development Department is located in City Hall, Room 101, 1700 W. 162nd Street in Gardena. Planners are available to answer simple questions and otherwise assist you on a first-come-first-serve basis from Monday through Thursday between 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and on Friday between 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. We recommend that you call ahead to schedule an appointment with a planner, at (310) 217-9530 for any complex matters.
Permit and plan review fees are based on the valuation of the project, which includes construction, finish work, painting, roofing, plumbing, and any other permanent equipment. For more information, call the Permit Technician at (310) 217-9530 or refer to City Fee Schedule listed above.
Permits can be taken out only by properly licensed individuals (Section 7031.5 California Business ad Professional Code) or individuals specifically exempt (Section 7044) from the provision of the Contractors State License Law.
Prior to permit issuance, a valid certificate of Worker’s Compensation Insurance or a Certificate of Consent to Self Insure, issued by the Director of Industrial Relations must be filed with the Building Office.
Exempt from this requirement are:
Construction is a substantial financial investment, which can be seriously jeopardized by non-complying construction. Work done without required permits is not only illegal, but will create problems when you try to sell your property. Fire and homeowner’s insurance coverage for work done without a permit may be invalidated.
There are many reasons for obtaining building permits for construction.
Taking out a permit provides you the services of a plan check engineer who will make sure that the plans are complete, that the plans comply with accepted engineering principles, and that the plans meet state minimum construction standards and a building inspector to perform inspections to make sure that construction is consistent with the plans and minimum standards for construction technique.
Most residential, commercial and industrial construction and demolition work whether, new, addition, remodel or alteration need permits. Signs, banners, fences, re-roofs, electrical upgrades, plumbing upgrades, window change outs all require permits.
The most common exceptions to the building permit requirement are:
Not at this time. However, all permit application forms are available on this web page. (See Above)
Permits can be issued over the counter (same day) without plan check on some of the simpler projects if they are properly documented. For more complex projects, permits are issued upon approval of plans by all applicable agencies. It takes approximately 3-6 weeks for approval or plan corrections, depending upon the plan check workload of the applicable agencies. Most plans must be reviewed and approved by Planning, Public Works, L.A. County Fire Department, Los Angeless Unified School Dirstrict (LAUSD). In some cases Los Angeles County Industrial Waste, Los Angeles County Health Department and other agencies must endorse the plans. The applicant is notified by phone when plans have been approved by all applicable agencies or when the review has been completed and corrections are required.
Permits are valid for 6 months. At the end of 6 months from the date of issuance or after 6 months have elapsed without substantial progress as substantiated by a city inspection, the permit shall become null and void. Permits must be obtained to continue construction.